Hi, my name is Liv Paoletti, and I am a Senior majoring in Italian and completing a Global Distinction Certificate. I am continuing my position as the Elections Vice Chair. Previously, I was on the Elections Committee and the Facilities, Technology, and Transportation Conditional Committee. I am the Italian Club President, Delta Phi Epsilon Assistant New Member Educator, ExP Student Advisory Board Officer, OCC Community & Outreach Coordinator, hold the #1 OCC Leaderboard Position, and was selected for this year's Homecoming Court. I enjoy traveling, spending time with my friends and dogs, going to concerts, listening to music, watching football games, running, and learning other languages.
If you were Pitt chancellor for the day, what's the first thing that you would do?
If I were Pitt Chancellor for the day, the first thing that I would do is dress up as Roc for the day and walk around campus.
What's your hot take?
My hot take is that I actually enjoy walking up Cardiac Hill.
What's your favorite place on campus?
Cathy is my favorite because when I see upon returning to Pittsburgh, I know that I am home. There are a lot of things associated with Cathy - the Nationality Rooms, the history of children donating dimes for its construction, having my first class at Pitt there, Victory Lights, and being immediately identifiable even by non-Pitt people.