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Kylie Baker (The Rooted Slate)


"Rooted in your voice, branching towards action"

My name is Kylie Baker, I'm a sophomore Nordenberg Scholar who studies Political Science, International Relations and Turkish. I’m a member of the Political Science Student Association, the Autobody Shop, and Progressive Students for Change. I've been involved in Student Government for 2 years now and my time has inspired me to run for Board. I believe that the bridge between students and their administration has shrunk and that the Student Government Board should work to be that bridge and advocate for students' needs always. In light of the election of Donald Trump, I worry that students’ rights, support systems and resources will be taken away, and while Student Government can’t change that, we can work with the University to protect what we can on campus. I intend on working on several areas:

First is protecting Title 9 and survivor resources. I seek to create a permanent budget for Prevention at Pitt, an organization that assists in free access to reproductive and hygienic products to all students. I also wish to create a consistency amongst all University owned bathrooms to keep them stocked with tampons and pads.

Another topic I wish to address is DEI initiatives and cultural orgs on campus. Given the recent purges from President Trump on all DEI related federal positions, it’s important that Pitt maintains its commitment to safeguarding diversity and anti-discrimination on campus. Religious orgs, cultural orgs, LGBTQ orgs and disability orgs all deserve the support from their Board and University.

Sustainability is another core platform. SGB has made great headway with limited plastic on campus, and I seek to address food waste and clothing waste. Working with our organizations in the Student Office of Sustainability, I seek to increase students’ access to affordable, good quality food. Concurrently, given our perpetual cold weather, I intend on a permanent winter clothing drive that can be given to students who cannot afford winter-wear and the community at large.

It’s well known that our University is powered by workers: student part time workers are a huge part of that and without them, all our buildings would cease to function. These students are working on both their studies and as employees in order to afford tuition, rent and food. They deserve competitive, fair wages and I intend to work with all types of student employees to achieve that. This includes Resident Assistants who deserve support from administration and ResLife.

Transparency from Student Government and Administration will be vital in achieving any and all progress for the student body. If elected I intend to promote my office hours so that if any issues arise for students and their clubs throughout the year, I hope to bridge their gap to the available resources. SGB works closely with Administration and I seek to keep the general student body updated on work being done for them.

I’m grateful for your consideration and hope to serve on your 2025-2026 board!