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Sofia Doval (Ignite Slate)

Hey everyone!

My name is Sofia Doval and I am super excited to introduce myself as a candidate for the Executive Board position on the Student Government Board! I am a first-year Political Science and Psychology major. I am running for SGB because I understand the importance of student voice and accountability through my work representing school districts at the state legislature. Currently, I am involved in SGB through the First Year Council (FYC), the Support Advocacy and Prevention Committee (SAP), the Academic Affairs committee, and the Social innovation ad hoc. Additionally, I am in The Pitt Marching Band (I play Piccolo!) and Women in Law! I am running for SGB because I understand the importance of holding the University accountable and the value brought by a student perspective due to my work representing school districts in the state legislature. I have seen first hand the power that our student body holds when we have a mission.

The following goals are some of the things that I hope to achieve as a potential SGB Executive Board member:

Expanding Mental Health Resources for Students:

Mental health must be a top priority at our University with resources that are readily accessible, no appointments, no barriers. When a student seeks support, they should receive it immediately, not be turned away. Compared to other ACC schools and institutions of similar size, Pitt lags behind in providing comprehensive mental health resources by 80%. To address this, I am actively working to expand the Stress-Free Zone and similar Wellness Rooms into academic buildings across campus, ensuring students have access to support when and where they need it most. I will fight to increase mental health funding, making support more accessible and effective for every student. This needs to be a priority for everyone.

Increase accessibility to student health resources:

Students should have access to free menstrual products in buildings across campus, ensuring no one has to go without a basic necessity. Additionally, I will advocate for more efficient and cost effective health care facilities on campus, reduced wait times and an improvement in overall inclusivity for all students, regardless of insurance status. Students should not have to resort to third party health institutions, but be able to rely on University healthcare that they are already paying for. Likewise, students should have greater access to resources that educate and provide them with the healthcare resources and opportunities that they have at their disposal.

Increasing University and tuition transparency:

Students should be able to access course expectations and syllabi prior to registering for a course. You should not have to register for a class without knowing how it will benefit your academic and professional career. Furthermore, you should be made aware of possible additional costs such as textbooks. Before teaching a course, all professors must submit an example syllabus for approval, which should be made accessible during course registration.

Additionally, students must have the ability to see exactly how their tuition is being used. The allocation of your tuition dollars towards activities, athletics, and administration should be disclosed and readily available.

Pitt students have the power to drive meaningful change, and I am committed to ensuring that every student has the opportunity to make their voice heard. I'm running to be a voice for all students and a leader who takes meaningful steps to improve our community. Whether it’s advocating for improved mental health services, increased accessibility to health services and resources, or increasing University and tuition transparency, I’m determined to make Pitt a place where every student can excel and feel valued.

It would be a privilege to serve as your representative on the Student Government Board. If you have any questions, thoughts, concerns, or ideas, I would be honored to hear them, feel free to email me at any time: Thank you so much for your time and consideration. H2P!