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Ad Hoc Committees

d-Hoc Committees are typically created in situations where the Board is interested in exploring a new committee or focusing interest on a specific topic. Anyone who is interested in joining an ad-hoc committee is encouraged to email the chair of that committee.

Single Use Plastics Ad-Hoc

Committee Chair: Rachel Garcia (

Contact Chair for meeting details!

The Single-Use Plastics Ad Hoc Committee shall aim to reduce and eliminate single-use plastic usage at the University of Pittsburgh, Oakland Campus. The Ad Hoc Committee shall also work with the Office of Business, Hospitality and Auxiliary Services, Pitt Eats, Office of Sustainability, and other organizations and entities at the University of Pittsburgh campus to discourage the use of single-use plastics.

Renter's First Ad-Hoc

Committee Chair: Emilia Morris (

The Renters First Ad-hoc meets at 7 p.m. on Monday in WPU 84

The Renters First Ad Hoc Committee was created to educate student renters about tenant rights, responsibilities, and resources, increase awareness of the unaffordable, low-quality housing problem in Oakland, and advocate for policies/laws that improve the student-tenant experience.

Disability Resources Ad-Hoc

Liaison: Neal Gupta ( 

Contact for meeting details!

The Disability Resources Ad-Hoc Committee aims to advocate for the needs and common goals of students with disabilities at the University of Pittsburgh. This Committee will bring the attention of the general student body and University administration to the issues and challenges regarding accessibility, in areas including, but not limited to: academic affairs, dining, housing, transportation, and general compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. This Committee will work with University offices and departments to create solutions to address these issues and challenges.

Fund-MORE Ad-Hoc

Committee Chair: Board Member Maddie McCann-Colvard (

Contact Chair for meeting details!

The Student Government Board Fund-MORE Ad-Hoc shall deliberate on and recommend changes to the function and process of ISU Funding. The Ad-Hoc shall create and recommend a new outline for Involvement and Student Unions (ISU) Funding for approval by the Board, the Allocations Committee, and the Assembly to implement these recommended changes. The Ad-Hoc shall also create an ISU Funding Surplus Policy to ensure that these financial resources are utilized fully to benefit student organizations.