The Board is composed of a President and eight Board Members, all of whom are elected from the non-College of General Studies (non-CGS) student body in a general at-large election.
The Board functions as both the executive and legislative branches of the Student Government Board. The members of the Board are the official representatives of the student body to the University community, as well as outside organizations at the local, state and federal levels.
Public meetings of the Board must be held at least once every two weeks although the Board typically meets every week on Tuesday at 8:45 pm in Nordy's Place. Please check our Instagram page for any potential schedule changes.
The President of Student Government Board serves as the spokesperson of the Board in all matters relating to official business. Please contact the President at with any general inquires.
The Office of the President is composed of the President, Chief of Staff, Communications Director, Communications Committee, and First Year Council. The President is elected every Spring semester from the non-College of General Studies (non-CGS) student body in a general at-large election. The duties of the President include serving as the Chief Executive Officer of Student Government Board, coordinating the activities of the Student Government Board Office, serving as the Chief Advocate of the Student Body representing it in dealings with students of other universities, faculty, administration, governments at local, state, and federal levels, and more. The remaining roles in the Office of the President are selected by the President once inaugurated. The Chief of Staff is responsible for supporting the President's initiatives while also managing several of Student Government Board's Student Services, such as the Conference Grant Program and the annual office & storage space allocations. The Communications Director is responsible for marketing SGB's resources and events in addition to developing and maintaining the brand of Student Government Board on campus. The Communications Committee supports the work of the Communications Director. Finally, the First Year Council serves as a way for students in their first year at Pitt to have their voice heard and to develop their leadership skills.
The Cabinet is composed of the Chairs of the six Cabinet Committees of Student Government Board. In order to encourage collaboration across special interest areas the chairs meet with the Vice President of Initiatives once a week for a planning session. The Vice President of Initiatives is appointed by the president and is one of the eight elected board members.
The Assembly of the Student Government Board is composed of various external student leaders from around campus and gathers regularly to exchange information on behalf of the student body and student organizations of the University of Pittsburgh. The Assembly also advises and communicates with the Board on matters of importance to students at the University.
Current Assembly Organizations:
- Engineering Student Council
- Nursing Student Association
- Asian Student Alliance
- Black Action Society
- Interfraternity Council
- National Pan-Hellenic Council
- Collegiate Panhellenic Association
- Resident Student Association
- Pitt Program Council
- Muslim Student Association
- Hillel
- Rainbow Alliance
- Student Disability Coalition
Is your organization interested in Joining the Assembly? Fill out this Interest form!