I am Andrew Elliott and I am excited to be joining Student Government this year for the first time! I am also President of ASU@Pitt and I'm involved with the Model UN clubs on campus in addition to my participation with SGB. In my free time I enjoy playing video games, reading fantasy and running Dungeons and Dragons! After I graduate I intend to pursue an MD in to eventually become a Psychiatrist.
If you were Pitt chancellor for the day, what's the first thing that you would do?
I would declare National Penguin Day a campus holiday (because celebrating penguins deserves our full attention)!
What's your hot take?
Krispy Kreme is better than Dunkin!
If you could be a food, what food would you be and why?
Brussel sprouts, because then no one would eat me!
What's your favorite place on campus?
The SGB Office in the Union!