Renters First Ad-hoc Committee
Committee Chair Emilia Morris/
Renters First Committee is about educating, empowering, and encouraging youth in their housing rights journey. We are a youth-oriented committee dedicated to promoting housing justice through tenant rights workshops and awareness campaigns to protect vulnerable renters.
We are excited for you to join us to learn more about your own rights and to educate others on theirs!
Renter's First Ad-Hoc meets Mondays at 6 pm in WPU 848.
Renting Resources
Renting Resources
Interested in Anti-Discrimination Training? Learn About Your Civil Rights Protections!
Know Your Rights Presentation Request
Issues with Habitability?
Landlords Must Provide:
- Drinkable water in the kitchen and bathroom(s)
- Functioning bathroom(s) with toilet and shower/tub
- Safe and functioning electrical system
- Working smoke alarms
- Hot water
- Heat during cold months
- Working sewage system
- No chipped or peeling paint
Allegheny County Health Department with habitability concerns.
Call: 311 to report housing issues
Tenant Rights
Off-Campus Living Essentials - Canvas Page
Landlord-Tenant Relations Handbook
Pitt and Community Assistance Resources
Oakland Planning Development Corporation Student Renter Resources
Emergency Housing Situations
Allegheny Link: For emergency shelter after 5pm at 1-866-730-2368: If you are currently homeless or about to become homeless and are looking for shelter or a housing program, please call Allegheny Link at 1-866-730-2368.
Center for Victims 24 Hour Hotline: 866-644-2882
General Help
Care & Resource Support Office
Meet with CONFIDENTIAL Care Advocates, who can assist with:
- Understanding the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX policies and procedures
- Connection to resources that can help reduce negative impacts of trauma
- Navigating University offices, systems, and procedures
Student Emergency Assistance Fund
For Pitt students facing unanticipated and insurmountable expenses relating to emergencies including loss of essential personal belongings, emergency medical bills, sudden loss of housing, emergency transportation costs, and more.
The Housing Authority of Pittsburgh collects resources for individuals living off campus who require assistance paying utilities.
For Renting and Lease Questions:
Trisha Margiotti (| Property Manager Liaison for Pitt Office of Off-Campus Living
She can help with lease review or identifying housing but doesn’t offer legal advice.
For Legal Help:
Neighborhood Legal Services
Legal advice and support for individuals with lower income
The Pittsburgh Commission on Human Relations
If you encounter and suspect housing discrimination
PA Bar online referral service:
Lawyer Locator
Pitt Student Government Legal Services
Schedule a 20-minute free consultation with a lawyer
For Accessing Food:
Pitt Food Pantry
Food Assistance Resources
Housing Crisis Resources:
Pitt also offers emergency on-campus housing for up to 3 days if people only need to escape a situation as quickly as possible.
Contact Trisha Margiotti at
General housing and food access questions.
Will be redirected with the right resources
Stay tuned for Renter's First events!